Question 1: Blemish
Option 1: spotless
Option 2: impeccable
Option 3: smirch
Option 4: purity
Question 2: Glut
Option 1: abstain
Option 2: satiate
Option 3: reduce
Option 4: moderate
Question 3: Impediment
Option 1: incentive
Option 2: stimulant
Option 3: patronize
Option 4: burden
Question 4: Embezzle
Option 1: forge
Option 2: restitute
Option 3: reimburse
Option 4: redeem
Question 5: Gaudy
Option 1: garish
Option 2: faded
Option 3: sobre
Option 4: solemn
Question 6: Fragments
Option 1: aggregate
Option 2: gross
Option 3: residue
Option 4: entire
Question 7: Febricate
Option 1: destroy
Option 2: wreck
Option 3: dismantle
Option 4: manipulate
Question8: Despicable
Option 1: honourable
Option 2: respectable
Option 3: decent
Option 4: contemptible
Question 9: Callous
Option 1: tender
Option 2: obdurate
Option 3: kind
Option 4: sympathetic
Question 10: Bustle
Option 1: sluggishness
Option 2: tumult
Option 3: inertness
Option 4: quiet
Ans 1: smirch
Explanation: smirch: a dirty mark or stain.
impeccable: free from fault or blame
Ans2: satiate
Explanation: satiate: satisfied to the full
abstain:to choose not to do or have something
Ans 3: burden
Explanation: patronize: treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.
Stimulant: a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
Ans 4: forge
Explanation: forge-make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
restitute-: to restore to a former state or position
reimburse: repay (a person who has spent or lost money)
Ans 5: garish
Explanation: garish: offensively or distressingly bright : glaring.
solemn:characterized by deep sincerity.
sobre simple, understated,
Ans 6: residue
Explanation: residue:a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.
Aggregate :a whole formed by combining several separate elements.
Ans 7: manipulate
Explanation: wreck: destroy or severely damage (a structure, vehicle, or similar).
manipulate:handle or control (a tool, mechanism, information, etc.) in a skilful manner.
Ans 8: contemptible
Explanation: contemptible:strong dislike and disrespect for someone
Ans 9: obdurate
Explanation: obdurate: . The definition of obdurate is stubborn or not easily moved to sympathy.
tender: showing gentleness, kindness, and affection.
Ans10: tumult
Explanation: sluggishness - moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power
(,inertness): - lacking the power to move.
tumult( bustle): a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.