Question 1: Evanescent
Option 1: Clean
Option 2: Tight
Option 3: Eternal
Option 4: cheap
Question2: Comaraderies
Option 1: Curiosity
Option 2: Ferocity
Option 3: Impetuosity
Option 4: Animosity
Question 3: Valiant
Option 1: brave
Option 2: coward
Option 3: chivalrous
Option 4: gallant
Question 4: Ire
Option 1: bitterness
Option 2: wrath
Option 3: content
Option 4: resentment
Question 5: Ostracise
Option 1: Amuse
Option 2: Welcome
Option 3: Entertain
Option 4: host
Question 6: Perspicuity
Option 1: transparency
Option 2: lucidity
Option 3: vagueness
Option 4: intelligiblity
Question7: Sanguine temper
Option 1: Despairing nature
Option 2: peaceful temprament
Option 3: Rude behaviour
Option 4: Selfish nature
Question 8: Unjust
Option 1: Serious
Option 2: Self-centred
Option 3: Fair-minded
Option 4: Considerable
Question 9: In toto
Option 1: Bluntly
Option 2: partially
Option 3: entirely
Option 4: strongly
Question 10: Shallow
Option 1: high
Option 2: long
Option 3: wide
Option 4: deep
Ans:1 Eternal
Explanation:. Evanescent-soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing
Ans2: Animosity
Explanation: Curiosity -A curiosity is something that is unusual, interesting, and fairly rare
Ferocity : The ferocity of something is its fierce or violent nature.
Impetuosity- marked by force and violence of movement or action an impetuous wind.
Animosity -: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude.
Ans 3: coward
Explanation: valiant-possessing or showing courage or determination.
chivalrous-A chivalrous man is polite, honest, fair, and kind towards women
Ans4: content
Explanation: Ire-Ire is anger
Content is also the things represented or suggested in something written or created as art, or the ideas it communicates.
Resentment is bitterness and anger that someone feels about something.
Ans 5: Welcome
Explanation: amuse-cause (someone) to find something funn
hosta a person who receives or entertains other people as guests.
Ans 6: vagueness
Explanation: vagueness- the quality of not being clear in shape, or of not being clearly seen
lucidity-clarity of expression; intelligibility.
Ans 7: Despairing nature
Ans 8: Self-centred
Ans 9: : partially
Explanation: bluntly is something said or done in a direct and truthful manner without trying to select words that are nice to hear.
Source: English Quiz
Ans 10: deep