English Language Quiz for SSC CGL of 9th April ( Active and Passive Voice )

Updated Fri, 09 Apr 2021 04:54 PM IST

Direction(1-10): The sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice and mark it in the Answer Sheet.

Source: English Quiz

Question 1: Physically challenged people should not be laughed at by the public.


Option 1:  Physically challenged people should not laugh at the public.

Option 2:  The public will not be laughing at physically challenged people.

Option 3:  The public shall not be laughing at physically challenged people

Option 4:  The public should not laugh at physically challenged people

Question 2: People are not going to tolerate Government’s despotism

Option 1:  Government’s despotism is not going to be tolerated by people

Option 2:  Government’s despotism was not going to be tolerated by people.

Option 3:  Government’s despotism is not being tolerated by people

Option 4:  Government’s despotism is not to be tolerated by people

Question 3: Strong Anti-Corruption law is liked by neither the Central Government nor the State Governments.


Option 1:  Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments likes strong Anti-Corruption law.

Option 2:  Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments like strong Anti Corruption law

Option 3:  Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments liked strong AntiCorruption law

Option 4:  Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments are liking strong Anti-Corruption law

Question 4:  The police arrested 200 students on the University campus.

Option 1:  200 students had been arrested on the University campus by the police.

Option 2:  200 students has been arrested by the police on the University campus.

Option 3:  200 students were arrested by the police on the University campus.

Option 4:  200 students are arrested on the University campus by the police.

Question5: Please shut the door and go to sleep

Option 1:  The door is to be shut and you are to go to sleep.

Option 2:  Let the door be shut and you be asleep. 

Option 3:  You are requested to shut the door and go to sleep.

Option 4:  The door is to be shut and you are requested to sleep


Question 6: The purity of justice is maintained by the reports of proceedings in the law court

Option 1: The law courts maintain purity of justice in the reports of the proceedings.

Option 2:  The reports of the proceedings in the law courts maintain the purity of justice.

Option 3:  Pure justice is maintained in the proceedings of the law courts

Option 4:  The maintenance of justice is pure in the proceedings of the law courts

Question 7: Ads on TV increase the sale of any commodity


Option 1:  The sale of any commodity is being increased by ads on TV.

Option 2:  The sale of any commodity are increased by ads on TV.

Option 3:  The sale of any commodity are being increased by ads on TV.

Option 4:  The sale of any commodity is increased by ads on TV

Question 8: The Indian Government is encouraging the Europeans to visit India. 

Option 1:  The Europeans are encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India

Option 2:  The Europeans are encouraging by the Indian Government to visit India.

Option 3:  The Europeans are being encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India.

Option 4:  The Europeans are being encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India..

Question 9: Call the police at once.


Option 1:  Let the police be called at once.

Option 2:  Let the police be called at once.

Option 3:  The police is to be called at once

Option 4:  Let the police called at once

Question 10: The case is being investigated by the police alongwith the CBI.


Option 1:  The police alongwith the CBI are investigating the case.

Option 2:  he police alongwith the CBI is  investigating the case.

Option 3:  The police alongwith the CBI was investigating the case

Option 4:  The police alongwith the CBI were investigating the case.


Ans 1:  
The public should not laugh at physically challenged people

Explanation: The public should not laugh at physically challenged people

Ans2:  Government’s despotism is not going to be tolerated by people

Explanation: Government’s despotism is not going to be tolerated by people

Ans 3:  Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments like strong Anti Corruption law

Explanation: Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments like strong Anti Corruption law

Ans4: 200 students were arrested by the police on the University campus.

Ans 5:   You are requested to shut the door and go to sleep.

Explanation: You are requested to shut the door and go to sleep.

Ans 6:  The reports of the proceedings in the law courts maintain the purity of justice.

Explanation: The reports of the proceedings in the law courts maintain the purity of justice.

Ans 7: The sale of any commodity is increased by ads on TV

Explanation: The sale of any commodity is increased by ads on TV

Ans 8: The Europeans are encouraging by the Indian Government to visit India.

Explanation: The Europeans are encouraging by the Indian Government to visit India.

Ans 9:   Let the police be called at once.

Explanation: Let the police be called at once.

Ans 10:   The police alongwith the CBI are investigating the case.

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