International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8 every year to remind the world about the importance of literacy. This day intends to raise awareness about literacy across individuals, communities and nations. Literacy is a very important aspect of human life. It is that indespensible part which gives shape and direction to our lives. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, in 1966, decalred a proclamation and founded the International Literacy Day “to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights.”

International Literacy Day 2021: Theme
The theme for International Literacy Day 2021 is “Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”. The pandemic has hampered the human lives in many ways. Education has been hit one of the hardest because of lockdowns. Students have not been able to go to schools and colleges and the education system has shifted to online mode of learning. Considering the fact that online learning poses various challanges in terms of access to sources, efficacy of teaching and capability to learn, UNESCO decided to keep the theme for this day centered around narowing the digital divide. There are many students across the country and world, who do not have access to gadgets and internet to be able to attend online classes. This has hampered their growth. These challanging times have made us realise the gravity of the digital divide that exists in the world. To enhance literacy, the owrld needs to focus on this divide and work together as a team to recover from the hindrances that have been posed.
International Literacy Day 2021: Importance
UNESCO tweeted: “Digital skills have become a key factor to access life-saving information. But over half of the world’s population lack basic skills for computer-based activities. We must step up efforts to expand #literacy and digital skills for all!” International Literacy Day 2021 becomes extremely significant as the world is accepting the divides that exist amongst people in terms of resources and skills. It is very important to celebrate this day and remind the world of the importance of literacy for the overall development of everyone across the gloce. It is commendable that as years pass by, the idea of literacy is being viewed with various perspectives and the need to improve literacy with respect to factors that control our access to institutions, sources and skills are being talked about. Education and literacy are extremely important and the global community must do everything it can to improve the literacy levels.