UP PGT Syllabus 2022, Download Section-Wise Free Syllabus According To Latest Exam Pattern!

Safalta Expert Published by: Deepesh Mehra Updated Thu, 28 Sep 2023 03:57 PM IST


UPSESSB has released UP TGT PGT Syllabus 2022 And New Exam Patten. Interested candidates can download UP TGT PGT Syllabus 2022 and New Exam Pattern here with Safalta.

UP PGT Syllabus: The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board conducts the UP PGT Exam. Candidates aspiring to appear for the exam must know the UP PGT syllabus and exam pattern. Questions in the UP PGT Exam are asked from subjects such as Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Maths, Biology, Psychology, etc. Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern will help you understand the demands of the exam and help you prepare accordingly. Read this article to know the complete UP PGT syllabus and other details. You can now prepare for UP PGT Hindi with our UP PGT Hindi E-Book Set 2022.
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Table Of Content

UP PGT Syllabus 
UP PGT Syllabus for English
UP PGT Syllabus: Geography
UP PGT Syllabus for History
UP PGT Syllabus: Economics
UP PGT Syllabus: Commerce
UP PGT Syllabus for Civics
UP PGT Hindi Syllabus
UP PGT Exam Pattern 


UP PGT Syllabus 2022

Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board conducts the written exam as a part of the selection process. The syllabus for the written exam is mentioned below which is per the syllabus mentioned on the official website. The candidates must go through it carefully to prepare an exam strategy. 

UP PGT Syllabus for English

Language Literature

Unseen passage for comprehension.

Form of literature
  • Part of speech
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Vocabulary
  • Tense
  • Narration
  • Preposition Usage
  • Transformation
  • Agreement

Authors and their Works:

  • Shakespeare
  • John Milton
  • William Wordsworth
  • John Galsworthy.

UP PGT Syllabus: Geography

  • Physical Geography - Solar Circle - Origin, shape, and motions of the Earth in the Solar System,
  • Effects of Earth's movements, solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse, latitude-longitude representation,
  • Determination of the location of a place on the globe, local and authentic time,
  • Determination, International Date Line Tracing, and Importance,
  • Lithium rock, Origin, and type of volcanic activity.
  • World Distribution, Earthquake Origins and World Distribution and Oceans,
  • Distribution, mountains and their types, major mountains of the world and their plateau Types, plains and river valleys, erosion and weathering processes, erosion of Davis Chakra, river basin degradation process, created in various stages by water erosion
  • Major site figures by major land figures, contour lines, and contour lines identification.
  • Air Circle - The protection of the atmosphere, the sun and the factors affecting it, Horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, temperature inversion, important local wind, precipitation process - rain, frost, etc.
  • Convective, terrestrial, and cyclonic rain, climatic regions of the world, daily weather Identification of used signals in the map.
  • Watershed Ocean currents, flow direction, climatic effects, tide ebb Principles of Process and Origin.
  • Biosphere structure, types of vegetation and world distribution, and related wild animals.
  • Relief, oceanography Temperature, and salinity.
  • Human Geography - Human Environment Interrelationship, Theoretical.
  • Air Circle - The protection of the atmosphere, the sun, and the factors affecting it, Horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, temperature inversion, air box, and important local wind, precipitation process - rain, frost, etc.
  • Convective, terrestrial, and cyclonic rain, climatic regions of the world, daily weather
  • Identification of used signals in the map.
  • Watershed, Ocean currents, flow direction, climatic effects, tide
  • Principles of Process and Origin.
  • Biosphere structure, types of vegetation and world distribution, and related wild animals
  • Relief, oceanography
  • Temperature and salinity
  • Economic Geography - Geographical analysis of major crops of the world Rice, Sugarcane,
  • Production, major energy, and mineral resources - coal, petroleum, iron ore Factors of the location of the main industries in the world, 
  • Distribution of Iron Steel Cotton & Artificial textiles, Paper, Oil, Refining Major Industrial states, the North Eastern United States, Brazil Plateau Cape Town-Natal, the world's major trade routes, and ports.
  • India Status - Expansion, International Boundaries, and related Land Problems, Hind The ocean and its economic and strategic importance are terrestrial, form, Waterflow
  • Origin and characteristics of monsoon, climatic regions, and their climate. Problems of deforestation, floods, and soil erosion of natural vegetation And their solutions. Agri-food production, progress, and problems green are the major crops of rice, wheat, sugarcane pulses, oilseeds, and tea geographies.
  • Distribution and production trends, problems related to mineral resources and their exploitation Energy crisis and its solution: Geographical distribution of coal and mineral oil and Production, alternative sources of energy. Multipurpose schemes and related to them.
  • Environmental Issues Commodity Industry, Iron Steel, Textiles, Sugar, Paper, Cement Location and distribution model of aluminum and aluminum industries, population growth and Description, Population-related problem Transport means Foreign trade, major cities, and ports.

UP PGT Syllabus for History

 Complete historical cultures:
  • Pre-Stone Age,
  • Middle Stone Age,
  • River Stone Age, 

UP PGT Syllabus: Economics

  • Economic Theory - Economics, Definition and Nature, Static and Logical, Analysis,
  • Molecular and Comprehensive, Analysis of demand law and measurement of elasticity of demand, utility
  • The equilibrium of the subscriber by the analysis neutral curve, the income charge price parameter
  • Replacement effects, perceived pride.
  • Changes to the ratio of modalities and outputs will produce a rule of return.
  • Functional, by-product analysis,
  • Principles of Pricing - Traditional and modern complete competition monopolistic and
  • Exchange rate, purchasing parity principle and balance of payment principle, trade balance and Remaining balance, causes of imbalance and solutions.
  • International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank, World Trade Organization, Revenue and Employment Principles, Private and Public Finance Maximum Social Welfare Principle Voluntary, Exchange Principle Tax and
  • Economic Principles of Effect, Taxes and Duties, Special Assessment, Taxable Potential, Justice in Taxes, Taxation and Taxation, Principles of Taxation, Objectives of Public Expenditure and Principles, lean management, public debt burden, and rectification. State Policy Center and
  • Income-expenditure sources of state governments. The traditionalist and Keynes employment theory,
  • Economic Systems Capitalism, Socialism, and Mixed Economy.
  • Indian Economy and Economic Development - Indian Economy
  • Neo-Conservatives and Keynes Theory, Prof. Knight's Advantage
  • Wage fixation currency and international trade in imperfect competition - Demand for money, supply of currency, 
  • Inflation, Inflation, and Retardation Current Indian Monetary System, Business
  • Modern trends in banks, credit creation, central bank functions, credit control
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods. Monetary policy in a rudimentary economy.
  • International and International trade - comparative cost principles, free trade, and Terms of Protection Business Terms.

UP PGT Syllabus: Commerce

  • Accounts Statistics and Accounting - Accountancy Meaning of Purpose and Methods, Dual Accounting System, Journaling, Ledger and Platoon, Preparation of Final Accounts with Adjustment Entries, Partnerships, Accounts Company Accounts, Issue of Issue and Retention.
  • Accounts of business entities, rights fees, accounts of rent-purchase and division-purchase, statistical mean, collection of statistics, importance, and limitations of data collection, classification and tabulation, abstracting, audit definition, purpose, importance, the meaning of certification, the importance of certification. Type Certification of books of primary accounts.
  • Business organization and management Business organization Relation of trade and civilization, Meaning and area of business organization, Environmental pollution and industry business, Business office functions, Forms of business organization, Advertising and sales, Art domestic trade and foreign trade, Management of management Nature and importance, various concepts of management, managerial work, planning, staffing motivation coordination, and control.
  • Economics, Money, Banking and Indian Economy - Definition of Economics and Sector Consumption Marginal and Total Utility, Rules by Marginal Utility, Elasticity of Demand and Demand Means of Production, Rules of Origin, Principles of Population, Types of Exchange-Market, Full Competition And pricing under rights.
  • Principles of Distribution, Principles of Marginal Productivity, Definition of Currency, Area and Work, Importance of Currency in Capitalism and Socialist Economy.
  • Work of Bank of India, Indian economy, characteristics of Indian economy, the problem of population, the problem of agriculture, the problem of foreign trade.

UP PGT Syllabus for Civics

Political Theory - Political Science

  • Definition, subject area, and method of study State definition
  • various theories of the origin of element state, and political concepts.
  • Sovereignty - Meaning, salient features, types of sovereignty, monolithic and pluralistic principles
  • Law- Definition, sources of law, law and ethics, freedom, equality, rights justice
  • Politicism-individualism, liberalism, suffragism, anarchism, fascism, scientific Socialism, democracy, and dictatorship.
  • Political Philosophy - Plots, Aristotle, Hobbs, Locke, Bantusque Russo, JS Mill, Karl Max, Lenin Maotsetung, Manu, Kautilya, Gandhi, Political philosophy of Nehru, Dr. Ambedkar, Lohia, and Jai Prakash Narayan.
  • Comparative Politics - Federalism - Major Elements, Trends, and Problems of Citizens, Fundamental Rights, and Duties Administrative-structure work, Executive-structure
  • Rights And status judiciary - structure work and independence, bureaucratic work, importance
  • commitment and neutrality election method - problems and solutions. Political Party-Party Pressure and Lokmat
  • study of the above-mentioned concepts in India, the UK, and the United States, with special reference to France and China
  • International Politics - Principles and Practices Equilibrium, group security, national interest
  • Main trends - Cold War, Tension, Diabetes Attachment Movement (NAM)
  • International Institutions and Organizations- Its agency, ASEAN, SAARC
  • Major issues - disarmament, neo-international, Economic Arrangement, North-South Dialogue South Cooperation, Third World Concepts and Problems
  • Foreign Policy- India, United States, Russia, and China. Indian Public Administration - Siddha

UP PGT Hindi Syllabus

  1. हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहासः आदिकालीन साहित्य की प्रमुख प्रवृत्तियां, भक्तिकाल, सन्तकाव्य, सूफीकाव्य, रामभक्ति काव्य, कृष्ण भक्ति काव्य, रीतिकाव्य धारा, रीतिबद्ध, रीतिमुक्त, रीतिसिद्ध, भारतेन्दु युग, द्विवेदी युग, छायावाद, प्रगतिवाद, नयी कविता।
  2. गद्य साहित्य का विकास- निबन्ध, नाटक, कहानी, उपन्यास, आलोचना। हिन्दी की लघु विधाओं का विकासात्मक परिचय, जीवनी, संस्मरण, आत्मकथा, रेखाचित्र, यात्रा-साहित्य, गद्यकाव्य एवं व्यंग्य।
  3. काव्य शास्त्र – अवयव, भेंद, रस, छन्द, अलंकार, काव्यगुण, काव्यदोष, शब्द शक्तियाँ।
  4. भाषा विज्ञान- हिन्दी की उप भाषाएं, विभाषाएं, बोलियां, हिन्दी शब्द सम्पदा, हिन्दी की ध्वनियां।
  5. व्याकरण – हिन्दी की वर्तनी, सन्धि, समास, लिंग, वचन, कारक, विराम चिन्हों का प्रयोग, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द, वाक्य शुद्धि, मुहावरा लोकोक्ति।
  6. संस्कृत-साहित्य :
    •  संस्कृत साहित्य के प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं उनकी रचनाएं, भास, कालीदास, भारवी, माघ, दण्डी, भवभूति, श्री हर्ष मम्मट, विश्वनाथ, राजशेखर ।
    •  व्याकरण – सन्धि, स्वर संधि, व्यंजन संधि, विसर्ग समास, विभक्ति, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, शब्दरूप, धातुरूप, काल अनुवाद ।
Candidates must know the syllabus for the concerned subject, which is as per the syllabus for graduation.

UP PGT Exam Pattern 

Besides knowing the UP PGT Syllabus candidates must also know the exam pattern for UP PGT. As per the latest UP PGT Exam Pattern, the exam consists of a written examination followed by an interview. There are only MCQs that are asked in the examination. Candidates can go through the detailed exam pattern below:
  • There are 125 multiple-choice questions in total.
  • The total maximum mark for the written examination is 425. For Siksha Mitra, the total marks for the written exam are 390, whereas 35 marks are for service weightage
  • For each question, 3.4 marks are allotted. For Sikha Mitra, it is 3.12 marks/question.
  • 50 marks are allotted to interview and 25 marks for special education.
The exam pattern is depicted below:

UP PGT Written Exam


Total Questions

Marks Per Question

Total Marks



Concerned Subjects

125 (MCQs)

3.4 marks

425 marks

2 hours


UP PGT Interview  Marks Duration Weightage


  • General Knowledge - 4 %
  • Personality Test - 3 %
  • Expressiveness - 3 %

50 marks




UP TGT PGT Marks Weightage

S.No. Exam For PGT Post For TGT Post
Marks Percentage Marks Percentage
1 Written Exam 425 85 500 100
2 Interview 50 10    
3 Special Qualification 25 5
Total 500 100 500 100

To know more read here

 NRA CET Exam Pattern CTET How To Download Certificate Polity E-Book For All Exams Hindi Edition- Download Now NRA CET Eligibility Criteria


There are 25% marks for special education like Doctorate Degree, M.Ed, B.Ed, National Level Sports Participation, etc.

UP PGT Exam Pattern (Shiksha Mitra/ Ad hoc Teachers)


Total Questions

Marks Per Question

Total Marks



Concerned Subjects


125 (MCQs)


3.12 marks


390 marks


2 hours



Service Weightage (Shiksha Mitra/ Ad hoc Teachers)

Per Year Service

1.75 marks


Maximum Weightage

35 marks


The weightage of interviews and special education remains the same.

What is the exam pattern for UP PGT Exam?

The exam for UP PGT consists of a written exam and an interview round.

What are the benefits of a special degree in education?

The candidates with degrees like Doctorate Degree, M.Ed, B.Ed, National Level Sports Participation, etc. will het 25% marks based on their qualification.

What is the time duration for each paper in UP  PGT exam?

The time duration for each paper in the UP PGT exam is 2 hours.

Is there any negative marking in the UP PGT exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking in the UP PGT exam.

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