UPTET Syllabus 2023, Check The Latest Syllabus In Hindi And English!

Safalta Expert Published by: Deepesh Mehra Updated Thu, 28 Sep 2023 03:39 PM IST


Looking for UPTET Syllabus? Get Paper I and Paper II syllabus along with the exam pattern here at Safalta.com.

Looking for the UPTET syllabus? If yes, then you have reached the right page. The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board conducts the UP TET Exam. Lakhs of candidates appear for this exam every year. Candidates who are aspiring to appear for this exam must know all the information including the syllabus and exam pattern. UP TET syllabus comprises of important topics and subjects from which questions are asked in the exam. Read this article to know the complete UP TET syllabus and other details. Enroll in our UPTET Free Video Course to ace UPTET Exam 2023
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Table of Contents

1. UPTET Syllabus
     i. UPTET Syllabus: Paper 1
     ii. UPTET Syllabus: Paper 2
2. UPTET Exam Pattern
     i. UPTET Exam Pattern: Paper 1
     ii. UPTET Exam Pattern: Paper 2

UPTET Exam Pattern

The two examinations, Paper 1 and Paper 2, make up the majority of the UPTET exam pattern. For those who want to teach classes 1 through 5 in the state, Paper-1, or the Primary Level, is required. On the other hand, one must qualify for Paper 2, Middle Level, or Elementary Level to teach classes 6 through 8. One must appear in both exams if they want to teach at both levels (classes I through V and classes VI through VIII) (Paper I and Paper II). The detailed pattern of each of these papers is given below:

UPTET Exam Pattern: Paper 1

Paper 1 is composed of 5 sections, and equal weightage is given to each section in the exam. Candidates are required to complete the exam in a stipulated time of 150 Minutes. One should note that there is no negative marking in the exam. Attempting the maximum possible questions can be rewarding.
Subject Number of Questions (Marks) Time
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 Questions (30 Marks) 150 Minutes
Mathematics 30 Questions (30 Marks)
Language – 1 30 Questions (30 Marks)
Language – 2 30 Questions (30 Marks)
Environmental Studies 30 Questions (30 Marks)
Total 150 Questions (150 Marks)  
Also Read: CTET Eligibility Criteria

UPTET Paper 2: Exam Pattern

Paper 2 is composed of 4 sections, with more weightage on the math/science and social science sections in the exam. Candidates are required to complete the exam in a stipulated time of 150 Minutes. One should note that there is no negative marking in the exam. Attempting the maximum possible questions can be rewarding.
Subject Number of Questions (Marks) Time
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 Questions (30 Marks) 150 Minutes
1st Language (Hindi) 30 Questions (30 Marks)
2nd Language (Anyone from English, Urdu & Sanskrit) 30 Questions (30 Marks)
A. Mathematics/ Science B. Social Studies/ Social Science 60 Questions (30 Marks)
Total 150 Questions (150 Marks)  

Marking Pattern for UPTET Exam
  • UPTET consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with four possible answers.
  • Out of the four available answers, candidates must choose one as the correct response. Every right response receives one mark.
  • There are no negative marks.
UPTET Marking Parameters Marks Allotted for Paper-I Marks Allotted for Paper-II
Correct answer +1 +1
Incorrect answer 0 0
Un-attempted question 0 0

UPTET Syllabus 2023: Overview

Candidates who are aspiring to appear for UPTET Recruitment should ensure that they are familiar with the syllabus of the exam. Knowing the syllabus will help the candidates identify the topics that they have to prepare for the exam. UPTET Syllabus is very detailed and different for Paper 1 and Paper 2.
UPTET Syllabus 2023
Exam Conducting Authority Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB)
Exam Name UPTET 2022-23
UPTET Exam Date expected soon
Level of Examination State-level
Number of Papers
  1. Paper-I (Primary Level)
  2. Paper-II (Elementary Level)
Mode of Exam Offline (Pen and Paper)
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Marks of each paper 150
Total number of questions in each paper 150
UPTET  2020 Marking Scheme +1 for each correct answer; 
Negative Marking No negative marking time
e Allotted 2 hours and 30 minutes
Language of the exam Bilingual (English and Hindi)
Official website https://updeled.gov.in/

TET Eligibility Criteria 2023: Check Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, And Other Details Here

UPTET Syllabus: Paper 1

Child Development and Pedagogy: 30 Questions (A) Content
  1. Child development
    • Meaning, necessity, and scope of child development, stages of child development, physical development, mental development, emotional development, language development – development of expressive ability, creativity, and development of creative ability.
    • Basis of child development and factors influencing them – inheritance, environment (Family, social, school, communication medium)
  2. Meaning and principles of learning
    • Meaning of learning, its affecting factors, Influential methods of learning
    • Rules of learning – The main rules of learning of Thorndike’s and their importance in learning
    • The key principles of learning and their practical utility in classroom teaching, Principle of Thorndike’s attempt and error, Pavlov’s relation theory of feedback, Skinner’s action learning theory, Kohler’s theory of understanding or Insight, Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning Curve – Meaning and Type, Meaning of plateau in the cause and solution.
  3. Teaching and learning methods
    • Meaning and purpose of teaching, communication, principles of teaching, sources of teaching, teaching methods, new methods of teaching (approach), basic teaching, and basic skills of teaching.
  4. Inclusive education- guidance and counseling
    • Educational inclusion means identity, type, resolution, e.g.: excluded class, language, religion, caste, region, color, gender, physical skills (visually impaired, hearing impaired, and speech/bone impaired), mental efficiency
    • Equipment, materials, methods, TLM, and observations required for inclusion
    • Necessary tools and techniques for testing the learning of inclusive children
    • Special teaching methods for including children. Such as – Braille script etc
    • Guidance and Counseling for Inclusive Children – Meaning, Purpose, Type, Methods, Requirements, and Area
    • Departments / Institutions supporting in consultation: –
    ➢ Psychology Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad
    ➢ Divisional Psychology Centre (at Divisional Level)
    ➢ District hospital
    ➢ Trained Diet Mentor in District Education and Training Institute
    ➢ Supervision and inspection system
    ➢ Community and school support committees
    ➢ Government and NGOs
    • Importance of guidance and counseling in child learning

(B) Learning and teaching

  1. How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.
  2. Basic processes of learning and teaching, learning strategies of children, learning as a social activity, and social context of learning.
  3. Children as problem solvers and scientific investigators.
  4. An alternative concept of learning in children, understanding child errors as important steps in the learning process
  5. Sense and feelings
  6. Motivation and learning
  7. Factors contributing to learning – private and environmental.
Language I: 30 Questions

(A) Hindi (subject matter)

  1. अपठित अनुच्छेद
  2.  (स्वर, व्यंजन)
  3. वर्णों के मेल से मात्रिक तथा अमात्रिक शब्दों की पहचान
  4. वाक्य रचना
  5. हिंदी की सभी ध्वनियों के पारस्परिक अंतर की जानकारी विशेष रूप से – ष, स, ब, व, ढ, ड, क्ष, छ, ण तथा न की ध्वनियाँ
  6. हिंदी भाषा की सभी ध्वनियों, वर्णों अनुस्वार एव चन्द्रबिंदु में अंतर
  7. संयुक्ताक्षर एवं अनुनासिक ध्वनियों के प्रयोग से बने शब्द
  8. सभी प्रकार की मात्राएँ
  9. विराम चिह्नों यथा – अल्प विराम, अर्द्धविराम, पूर्णविराम, प्रश्नवाचक, विस्मयबोधक, चिह्नों का प्रयोग
  10. विलोम, समानार्थी, तुकान्त, अतुकान्त, सामान, ध्वनियों वाले शब्द
  11. वचन, लिंग एव काल
  12. प्रत्यय, उपसर्ग, तत्सम तद्भव व देशज, शब्दों की पहचान एव उनमें अंतर
  13. लोकोक्तियाँ एव मुहावरों के अर्थ
  14. सन्धि – (1) स्वर सन्धि – दीर्घ सन्धि, गुण सन्धि, वृद्धि सन्धि, यण सन्धि, अयादि सन्धि (2) व्यंजन सन्धि (3) विसर्ग सन्धि
  15. वाच्य, समान एव अंलकार के भेद
  16. कवियों एव लेखकों की रचनाएँ

(B) Hindi Pedagogy

  1. अधिगम और अर्जन
  2. भाषा अध्यापन के सिद्धांत
  3. सुनने और बोलने की भूमिका: भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार एक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग करते है
  4. मौखिक और लिखित रूप में विचारों के संप्रेषण के लिए किसी भाषा के अधिगम में व्याकरण की भूमिका पर निर्णायक संदर्श
  5. एक भिंन कक्षा में भाषा पढाने की चुनौतियाँ भाषा की कठिनाइयाँ त्रुटिया और विकार
  6. भाषा कौशल
  7. भाषा बोधगम्यता और प्रवीणता का मुल्यांकन करना: बोलना, सुनना, पढना, लिखना
  8. अध्यापन – अधिगम सामग्रियां: पाठ्यपुस्तक, मल्टी मीडिया सामग्री, कक्षा का बहुभाषायी संसाधन
  9. उपचारात्मक अध्यापन
Language II (English/ Urdu/ Sanskrit)


  1. Unseen Passage
  2. The sentence
    (A) Subject and predicate
    (B) Kind of sentences
  3. Parts of speech- Kinds of Noun, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction
  4. Tenses-Present, Past, Future
  5. Articles
  6. Punctuation
  7. Word formation
  8. Active and passive voice
  9. Singular & Plural
  10. Gender


  1. Unseen passage
  2. Meeting of the masters of the tongue
  3. Knowledge of the famous life and poetry of famous tribes and poets
  4. MukhtalifAsnaafAdab such as Maznoom, Afsana Murcia, Masnavi Dastan, etc. Praise to Ma, Amsal
  5. Masala of perfect tamarind and afflux
  6. Information about Ism, Jamir, Sifat, Mutzadalfaz, Wahid, Mojkkar, Moannas et cetera.
  7. Saints (Tasbeeh and Istaara, Talmih, Maraatunzir), etc
  8. Idioms, meeting JurbalAmsal
  9. MukhtalifSamajMusayal-like atmosphere of AloodgiNabrabari, TalimBaraa’mn, Adame, Tagazia
  10. To understand the social and Khaliq Akbar present in the beliefs, stories, Hikayatas, and memoirs


  1. Unexplained masculine
  2. Unseen passage
  3. Nouns
  4. Unexplained feminine
  5. Unexplained neuter
  6. Postpartum feminine
  7. Post masculine
  8. Postpartum masculine
  9. Postpartum feminine
  10. Introduction to Sanskrit names of household, family, surroundings, animals, birds, household use items
  11. Pronouns
  12. Verb
  13. Use of Sanskrit words for major body parts
  14. Incessant
  15. Sandhi – Treaty of simple words and their separation (long treaty)
  16. Numbers – Knowledge of numbers in Sanskrit
  17. Gender, vowel, vowel type, substitution, type of consonant, anusvara, and nasal consonant
  18. Compositions of poets and writers

Teaching of language development: –

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking: Language work and how children use it as a tool
  4. Decisive perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in writing
  5. Challenges of teaching language in a different classroom: language difficulties, errors, and disorders
  6. Language skills
  7. Assessing language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, and writing
  8. Teaching-learning materials: syllabus, multi-material, classroom multilingual resources
  9. Remedial teaching mathematics
s: 30 Questions

(A) Content: –

  1. Addition, subtraction, property, division of numbers, and numbers
  2. Minimum Commonwealth and Maximum Commonwealth
  3. Addition, subtraction, property, division of fractions
  4. Decimal – addition, subtraction, property, division
  5. Unitary rule
  6. Percent
  7. Profit loss
  8. Simple interest
  9. Geometry – Geometric shapes and pages, angles, triangles, circles
  10. Money (money – money)
  11. Measurement – time, weight, capacity, length, and temperature
  12. Perimeter – Triangle, import, square, quadrilateral
  13. Calendar
  14. Figures
  15. Volume, held – cube, cavity
  16. Area – Rectangle, Square
  17. Railway or bus timetable
  18. Presentation and formulation of data

(B) Teaching Issues

  1. Understanding the nature of mathematical/logical thinking, the child’s thinking and reasoning patterns, and the meaning and learning strategies
  2. Place of mathematics in the curriculum
  3. Math language
  4. Community mathematics
  5. Evaluation through formal and informal methods
  6. Teaching problems
  7. Relevant aspects of error analysis and learning and teaching
  8. Clinical and remedial teaching environmental
l Studies (Science, History, Geography, Civics, and Environment): 30 Questions

(A) Content:

  1. Family
  2. Food, health, and hygiene
  3. Accommodation
  4. Trees and plants
  5. Our environment
  6. Fair
  7. Individuals and businesses associated with the local profession
  8. Water
  9. Traffic and communication
  10. Sports and sportsmanship
  11. India – rivers, plateaus, forests, traffic, continents, and oceans
  12. Our region – rivers, mountains, stones, forests, traffic
  13. Constitution
  14. Governance system – local self-government, village-panchayat, Nagar-panchayat, district panchayat, municipality, municipal corporation, district administration, state’s governance, administrative, judiciary, executive, national and national symbols, voting, National Unity.
  15. Environment-need, environment-protection- need, importance, and utility, environment protection, social responsibility towards the environment, schemes operated for environmental protection

(B) Teaching related issues:

  1. Concept and coverage of environmental studies
  2. Importance of environmental studies, integrated environmental studies
  3. Environmental Studies and environmental education
  4. Learning principle
  5. The scope and relation of science and social science
  6. Approach to present retention
  7. Activity
  8. Experiment / practical work
  9. Discussion.
  10. Continuous comprehensive evaluation
  11. Teaching material/equipment
  12. Problems
The summarised syllabus for UPTET Paper 1 is as given below:
 Child Development and Pedagogy Child Development (Classes 1 to 5, Age group 6 to 11) [15 Questions]
• Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs [5 Questions]
• Learning and Pedagogy [10 Questions]
Language I
  • Language Comprehension (15 Questions)
  • Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
  • Language II
  • Comprehension (15 Questions)
  • Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
  • Pedagogical issues
  • Number System
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Data Handling
UPTET Previous Papers  E-Book  General Hindi E-Book SuperTET Previous Year Papers   April Current Affair Free E-Book 

UPTET Syllabus: Paper 2

The paper 2 syllabus is vast as compared to the paper 1 syllabus. Considering higher classes that candidates would be teaching in the future. The detailed Paper 2 syllabus is as follows.
 Child Development and Learning Methods: 30 Questions

(A) Content:-

  1. The meaning, necessity, and scope of child development, stages of child development, physical development, mental development, emotional development, language development – development of expressive ability, creativity, and development of the creative ability
  2. Basis of child development and factors influencing them – inheritance, environment (Family, social, school, communication medium)

Meaning and principles of learning:-

  1. Effective methods of learning, influencing the meaning of learning (learning)
  2. Rules of learning – The main rules of learning of the Thornadikes and their importance in learning
  3. The key principles of learning and their practical utility in classroom teaching, Thorndike’s attempt and theory and their practical utility in classroom teaching, Thorndike’s theory of love and error, Pavlov’s relation theory of response, Skinner’s introduced learning theory, Kohler’s curve – Meaning and type, plateau meaning in learning and cause and resolution.

Teaching and learning disciplines:-

  1. Meaning and purpose of teaching, communication, principles of teaching, sources of teaching, teaching methods, new methods of learning (approach), basic teaching, and basic skills of teaching.

Inclusive education guidance and counseling: –

  1. Educational inclusion means identity, type, resolution, e.g.: excluded class, language, religion, caste, region, color, gender, physical skills (visually impaired, hearing impaired, and speech/bone impaired), and mental efficiency.
  2. Equipment, materials, methods, TLM, and observations required for inclusion
  3. Necessary tools and techniques for testing the learning of inclusive children
  4. Special teaching methods for including children. Such as Braille script etc
  5. Guidance and counseling for inclusive children – Meaning, purpose, types, methods, requirements, and fields
  6. Departments / Institutions supporting in consultation: –
    ➢ Psychology Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad
    ➢ Divisional Psychology Center (at Divisional Level)
    ➢ District hospital
    ➢ Trained Diet Mentor in District Education and Training Institute
    ➢ Supervision and inspection system
    ➢ Community and school support committees
    ➢ Government and NGOs
    ➢ Importance of guidance and counseling in child learning

(B) Study and teaching:-

  1. How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance
  2. Basic processes of teaching and learning, children’s learning strategies, learning as a social activity, social context of learning
  3. Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
  4. An alternative concept of learning in children, understanding child errors as important stages in the learning process
  5. Perception and sensations
  6. Motivation and learning
  7. Tax contributors to learning – private and environmental language
e I: 30 Questions

Hindi (A)

A) Content

  1. Unseen passage
  2. Noun and noun distinction
  3. Differences between pronouns and pronouns
  4. Difference between adjectives and adjectives
  5. Difference between verb and verb
  6. Speech – intonation, passive voice, eloquence
  7. The difference in all Hindi language sounds, conjuncts, joint consonants, and lunar points
  8. Alphabetical, synonymous, antonym, non-synonymous, synonyms
  9. The distinction of the inexplicable
  10. Anavar, use of resonant
  11. Use of different forms of “Su”
  12. Sentence formation (simple, compound, and mixed sentences)
  13. Identification and use of punctuation marks
  14. Use of speech, gender, and time
  15. Tatasam, Tadbhav, indigenous and foreign words
  16. Prefixes and attitudes
  17. Word combinations
  18. Compound distinctions of the compound, and types of compound
  19. Idioms and proverbs
  20. Verbs transitive and intransitive
  21. Treaties and differences of treaties. (Vowels, Consonants, and Excavations)
  22. Ornamentation (Alliteration, pun, pun, metaphor, metaphor, inspiration, exaggeration)

B) Teaching of language development:-

  1. Learning Acquisition
  2. Principles of language teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking: Language work and how children use it as a tool
  4. Decisive perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in writing
  5. Challenges of teaching language in a different classroom: language difficulties, errors, and disorders
  6. Language skills
  7. Assessing language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, and writing
  8. Teaching-learning materials: syllabus, multi-material, classroom multilingual resources
  9. Remedial teaching



Language II: 30 Questions


(A) Content:-

  1. Unseen passage
  2. Nouns and their kinds
  3. Pronouns and its kinds
  4. Verb and its kinds
  5. Adjective and its kinds & degrees
  6. Adverbs and their kinds
  7. A preposition and its kinds
  8. Conjunction and its kinds
  9. Intersection
  10. Singular and plural
  11. Subject and predicate
  12. Negative and interrogative sentences
  13. Masculine and feminine gender
  14. Punctuation
  15. Suffix with root words
  16. Phrasal verbs
  17. Use of Somebody, Nobody, Anybody
  18. Parts of speech
  19. Narration
  20. Active voice and passive voice
  21. Antonyms & synonyms
  22. Use of Homophones
  23. Use of request in sentences
  24. Silent letters in words


(A) Content: –

  1. Unseen passage
  2. Knowledge of language masters of the tongue.
  3. Understanding of MukhtalifAsnaafAdabHamd, Ghazal, Qasida, Marcia, Masnavi, Geet, etc., and their difference
  4. To get information about the situation of the poets and their well-being by the life of the many poets and the lovers
  5. Achieving eloquence with the help and importance of the Urdu language in Mushtaraka Tehzeeb of the country
  6. Ism and its Aksam, Fail, Sifat, Jamir, Tazkiron Tanias, Tzad’s deemed
  7. Information about correct tamarind and Arab
  8. Idioms, acquiring speech from JurbalAmsal
  9. Knowledge of saints
  10. The political, social, and khaki mainsail’s being beseeched and keep their attitude on it


(A) Content: –

  1. Unseen Passage
  2. Sandhi – Vowels, consonants
  3. Incessant
  4. Compound
  5. Use of gender, speech, and time
  6. Prefix
  7. Synonym
  8. Antonyms
  9. Factor
  10. Ornamentation
  11. Suffix
  12. Speech
  13. Nouns – Knowledge of the forms of all the inflections and words of the following words –
    ➢ The word masculine
    ➢ The word feminine
    ➢ The word neuter
    ➢ Inexplicable masculine
    ➢ Inexplicable feminine
    ➢ Inexplicable neuter
    ➢ Postpartum masculine
    ➢ Postpartum feminine
    ➢ Postpartum neuter
    ➢Ecomant feminine
    ➢Ecomant masculine
    ➢Ecomant neuter
    ➢Rakaranta masculine
  14. Pronouns
  15. Adjectives
  16. Metal
  17. Numbers

(B) Teaching of language development: –

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking: Language work and how children use it as a tool
  4. Decisive perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in writing
  5. Challenges of teaching language in a different classroom: language difficulties, errors, and disorders
  6. Language skills
  7. Assessing language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, and writing
  8. Teaching-learning materials: syllabus, multi-material, classroom multilingual resources
  9. Remedial teaching mathematics
s: 30 questions

(A) Contents: –

  1. Natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers\
  2. Integer, parenthesis, least common multiple, and greatest common factor.
  3. Square root
  4. Cube root
  5. Identities
  6. Algebra, Concept – variables, constant numbers, powers of variable numbers
  7. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic expressions, coefficients of terms and terms of algebraic expressions, homogeneous and non-homogeneous terms, degrees of expressions, the concept of one, two, and tripartite expressions
  8. Simultaneous Equations, Square Equations, Linear Equations
  9. Parallel lines, quadrilateral compositions, triangles
  10. Circle and cyclic quadrilateral
  11. Tangent lines to the circle
  12. Commercial Mathematics – Ratio, Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Tax, Barter System
  13. Banking – Current Currency, Bills and Cashmemo
  14. Statistics – Classification of data, pictograph, mean, median and polymer, frequency
  15. Pie and bar chart, picture of unclassified data
  16. Probability (probability) graph, bar diagram, and mixed bar diagram
  17. Cartesian floor
  18. Mensuration
  19. Exponential

(B) Teaching related issues:-

  1. Nature of mathematical/logical thinking
  2. Place of mathematics in the curriculum
  3. Math language
  4. Community mathematics
  5. Evaluation
  6. Remedial teaching
  7. Teaching problems science

(A) Content: –

  1. Science in daily life, important discoveries, importance, anthropology, and technology
  2. Fibers and textiles, from races to textiles. (process)
  3. Living, non-living matter – fauna, classification of living organisms, classification of plants and animals based on flora and fauna, adaptation in organisms, changes in animals and plants.
  4. Animal Structure and Functions
  5. Microorganisms and their classification
  6. Cell to organ
  7. Adolescence, disability
  8. Food, health, sanitation and disease, crop production, nitrogen cycle.
  9. Animal Nutrition
  10. Nutrition, reproduction, beneficial plants in plants
  11. Respiration, excretion in organisms, beneficial animals
  12. Measurement
  13. Electric current
  14. Magnetism
  15. Speed, Force, and Equipment
  16. Energy
  17. Computer
  18. Sound
  19. Static electricity
  20. Lighting and lighting equipment
  21. Air quality, composition, necessity, utility, the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect
  22. Water requirement, utility, source, quality, pollution, water conservation
  23. Part, groups of substances, separation of substances, structure, and nature of substances
  24. Changes in the neighborhood, physical and chemical changes
  25. Acids, bases, salts
  26. Energy and heat
  27. Man-made goods, plastic, glass, soap, clay
  28. Minerals and Metals
  29. Carbon and its compounds
  30. Alternative sources of energy

(B) Teaching related issues: –

  1. Nature and structure of science
  2. Natural Science/goals and objectives
  3. Understanding and appreciating science
  4. Approach / integrated approach
  5. Observation/experiment/investigation (Method of science)
  6. Innovation
  7. Curriculum content/help- material
  8. Evaluation
  9. Issues
  10. Remedial teaching
Social Studies and Others: – 30 Questions

I. History

  1. Sources of knowing the history
  2. Stone Culture, Copper Stone Culture, Vedic Culture
  3. India of the sixth century B.C
  4. The early States of India
  5. Establishment of the Mauryan Empire in India
  6. Non-Mauryan India, Gupta period, Rajput India, Punyabhuti dynasty, states of South India
  7. The arrival of Islam in India
  8. Establishment, expansion, and disintegration of Delhi Sultanate
  9. Mughal Empire, Culture, Fall
  10. The arrival of European powers in India and the establishment of the English state
  11. Expansion of Company State in India
  12. Renaissance in India, Rise of Nationalism in India
  13. Independence movement, independence, the partition of India
  14. Challenges of Independent India

II. Civics

  1. We and our society
  2. Rural and urban society and living conditions.
  3. Rural and urban self-government
  4. District administration
  5. Our constitution
  6. Traffic safety
  7. Central and state governance
  8. Democracy in India
  9. Country’s security and foreign policy
  10. Global seas and India
  11. Citizen protection
  12. Disability

III. Geography:-

  1. Earth in the Solar System, Globe – Determination of locations on Earth, Earth’s movements.
  2. Mapping, Four Circles of Earth, Structure – Earth’s Structure, Major Structure of Earth
  3. India in the world, India’s physical form, soil, vegetation and wildlife, India’s climate, India’s economic resources, traffic, trade, and communication.
  4. Uttar Pradesh – Location in India, Political Department, Climate, Soil, Vegetable and Wildlife Agriculture, Mineral Industry – Business Population and Urbanization
  5. Surface forms, changing factors. (Internal and external factors)
  6. Atmosphere, hydrosphere
  7. Major natural regions and life of the world
  8. Mineral Resources, Industries
  9. Disaster and Disaster Management

IV. Environmental Studies:-

  1. Environment, natural resources, and their utility
  2. Natural Balance
  3. Use of resources
  4. Impact of population growth on the environment, environmental pollution
  5. Waste Management, Disasters, Environmentalist, Award in the field of Environment, Environment Day, Environmental Calendar

V. Home-work / Home Science: –

  1. Health and hygiene
  2. Nutrition, diseases, and ways to avoid them, first aid
  3. Food preservation
  4. Pollution
  5. Digestive diseases and common diseases
  6. Home Management, Sewing Art, Washing Art, Cooking, Weaving Art, Embroidery Art
  7. Learn to pronounce

VI. Physical Education and Sports:-

  1. Physical Education, Exercise, Yoga, and Pranayama
  2. Marching, National Sports and Awards
  3. Small and Recreational Sports, International Games
  4. Sports and our food
  5. First aid
  6. Importance of drug side effects and measures to prevent them, sports, sports management, and planning.

VII. Music:-

  1. Phonetics
  2. Melody introduction
  3. Knowledge of rhythm and rhythm in music
  4. Intense melody
  5. Vandana IT / Flag Anthem
  6. Desh songs, country songs, bhajans
    ➢ Forest protection/plantation
    ➢ Verbal song

VIII. Horticulture and fruit conservation: –

  1. Soil, Soil Formation, Soil Finishing, Equipment, Seeds, Compost Fertilizer
  2. Irrigation, irrigation equipment
  3. Gardening, Gardening School
  4. Shrubs and vines, ornamental plants, seasonal flower cultivation, fruit cultivation, herb garden, vegetable cultivation
  5. Amplification
  6. Fruit testing, fruit preservation – jam, jelly, sauce, pickle making
  7. Climatology
  8. Crop circle

(B) Teaching related issues: –

  1. Concept and method of social study
  2. Procedures, Activities, and Discourse of Narrative
  3. Develop thoughtful thinking
  4. Inquiry / Empirical Evidence
  5. Problems of teaching social science / social studies
  6. Project Work
  7. Evaluation

A crisp data of the syllabus is provided below-

Child Development and Pedagogy • Child Development (Elementary School Child) (15 Questions)
• Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs (5 Questions)
• Learning and Pedagogy (10 Questions)
Language I • Language Comprehension (15 Questions)
• Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
 Language II • Comprehension (15 Questions)
• Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
Mathematics • Pedagogical issues
• Number System
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Mensuration
•Data Handling
Science • Pedagogical issues
• Food
• Materials
• The World of the Living
• Natural Resources
• How Things Work
• Natural Phenomena
Social Sciences/Social Studies • History
• Geography
• Social and Political Science
• Pedagogical issues
Also Read: 
UPTET Eligibility UPTET Cut Off

Also Read:
  1. UP Super TET Syllabus 
  2. SUPER TET- Teaching Champion Batch
  3. MAHA TET Salary  
Candidates are advised to know the UPTET Syllabus in detail and work on weak sections, The exam date for the exam can be announced any time soon. To know more read here
 NRA CET Exam Pattern CTET How To Download Certificate मॉक टेस्ट का प्रयास करें- Click Here NRA CET Eligibility Criteria

What is the date of the UPTET Exam?

 The date for UPTET Exam 2021 was 23 Jan 2022.

What is the number of papers under UPTET Exam?

There are two papers in UPTET Exam.

What is the stipulated time to complete the UPTET Exam?

The time given for completion in 150 Minutes.

In which language is the UPTET exam conducted?

The UPTET exam is conducted in English and Hindi languages. Candidates need to choose the medium of the exam while applying online for the examination.

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