Code splitting: What, When and how to use it

Safalta Expert Published by: Aryan Rana Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2022 11:49 PM IST


The dependencies of many JavaScript frameworks are compiled into a single, big file. As a result, adding JavaScript to an HTML page is simple. Since all the JavaScript is in one place, the bundle just needs one link tag and fewer calls to set up the page. Theoretically, bundling JavaScript in this manner ought to hasten page loads and reduce the volume of traffic that the page must manage.

Table of Content
What is code splitting?

How does React's code splitting function?
Adaptive imports
Using React. lazy
Choosing split points
How do component pieces affect code splitting?

Despite being designed as a simple language, JavaScript can result in unexpectedly complex code bases. The availability of a large range of classes and modules is one factor in this. The majority of important JavaScript programmes and frameworks have numerous dependencies, which can cause an initially straightforward project to soon accumulate a substantial amount of code.

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The slower a project loads, the more code it contains. As a result, you frequently need to strike a balance between the number of your dependencies and the level of JavaScript performance you require. To achieve this balance, code splitting is helpful.


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What is code splitting?

The dependencies of many JavaScript frameworks are compiled into a single, big file. As a result, adding JavaScript to an HTML page is simple. Since all the JavaScript is in one place, the bundle just needs one link tag and fewer calls to set up the page. Theoretically, bundling JavaScript in this manner ought to hasten page loads and reduce the volume of traffic that the page must manage.

But once a bundle reaches a certain size, the extra work required to read and run the code causes the page to load more slowly rather than faster. Every page has a different tipping point, thus you should test your pages to identify it. There is no overarching rule; everything depends on the dependencies being loaded.

Determining whether portions of a page require separate JavaScript dependencies is the key to code splitting. Code splitting enables you to purposefully leave out specific dependencies from bundles and only add them when necessary. This implies that they are not loaded until they are required, which speeds up the loading of the page by only loading JavaScript when it is required.

The fact that the page is still loading the same amount of code may at first appear illogical, but the difference is that the page might not execute all of the code it loads. For instance, if a dynamic element on a page has a significant dependency, such dependency can result in a definite page lag. However, the dependency can be so minor that there is no lag created if it is only loaded when the dynamic element is used.

Large React apps frequently use code splitting, and the speed boost it offers might influence whether a user stays on a web application or not. Since pages only have three seconds to leave an impression on users, many studies have found that even fractions of a second can have a big impact. Therefore, striving for a load time of three seconds or less is the best option.

How does React's code splitting function?

In React, code splitting may be implemented in a variety of ways. Despite the fact that different bundlers operate differently, React offers a number of techniques to modify bundling.

Adaptive imports

The dynamic "import" syntax in React is arguably the easiest approach to dividing code into separate sections. While some bundlers can natively understand dynamic import statements, others need some modification. Both server-side rendering and the creation of static websites can be done using the dynamic import syntax.

The then function is used by dynamic imports to import only the necessary code. Any calls made inside of that function must be to the imported code.

Using React. lazy

In many instances, React. lazy enables lazy import loading. Although server-side rendering is not currently possible, the variety of its features more than makes up for this. With just one line of code, you can dynamically import a dependency and render it as a component using React. lazy method. If the dynamic import fails, the component must be rendered inside a different component that displays fallback content.

This may contain error content, though it's not necessary. If error material is present, it must be contained within an Error Boundary, a unique category of the component. To ensure that they display properly, any components that are dynamically loaded must be placed above the Error Boundary component.

Choosing split points

Giving users the best dynamic experience is the aim of code splitting in React. This makes deciding where to dynamically load dependencies within the code a crucial issue.

React's routes start off well by default since people anticipate a brief delay while switching between pages. Although dynamic code splitting on routes frequently entails its own dependencies, since users frequently anticipate some sort of page transition, a little deliberate pause during loading might be helpful.

How do component pieces affect code splitting?

Additionally, React lets you divide your code into sections based on components rather than on pure functionality. It happens that a developer would reuse the same set of React components numerous times to build a crucial component of their page. When this occurs, the website may load slowly since the dependencies are not always loaded in a timely manner.

You can design a unique loader that dynamically imports the necessary code just once by using the React-loadable method. The dynamic imports can't be a part of a page load bundle because they are wrapped in a loader.

The same procedure can be applied when loading a single component or even a number of them again. The core concept remains the same even though loading a group of components frequently necessitates numerous dynamic imports and extracting the required component types.

It can be challenging to keep track of a chunk's contents even after chunking has been optimised. By design, chunks contain names that were generated at random, which can be challenging to debug.

Code splitting is the process of dividing up a piece of code into several bundles or components that can be loaded simultaneously or on demand. CSS and JavaScript files or bundles expand in size when an application becomes more complicated or is maintained, especially as the number and size of third-party libraries that are included grow.

What tools can you employ for code splitting?

In order to construct numerous bundles that may be dynamically loaded at runtime, bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, and Browserify (through factor-bundle) provide the code-splitting capability.

How does Webpack's code splitting function?

Three general methods for code splitting are available: Use entry configuration to manually separate code at entry points. Eliminate Duplication To dedupe and separate chunks, use Entry dependencies or SplitChunksPlugin. Code division using inline function calls within modules is known as dynamic imports.

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