How to download SSC SR JE Admit Card 2022
- Visit the SSC JE's website at www.sscsr.g;
- Click the "Download Admission Certificate" link next to "JUNIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND QUANTITY SURVEYING & CONTRACTS) EXAMINATION, 2022" to access the admission card (Paper-I)
- Give the requested information.
- SSC Southern Region Admit Card Download
- Take the identical printout.
Candidates will be handed question papers in a computer-based format, and they will be expected to answer questions on themes such general reasoning, general awareness, civil and structural engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, and mechanical and electrical engineering.
For the purpose of choosing applicants for the position of Junior Engineer (JE) for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Quantity Surveying and Contracts, the commission is holding the Paper 1 Exam. Those who meet the requirements for SSC JE Paper 1 will be invited to take SSC JE Paper 2.