How do I download the 2022 Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed results?
- Visit the board's website at
- Select the link to the results from the homepage.
- Give the information, including your roll number and birthdate.
- Download the 2022 BSTC Results.
- Print down the outcome so you have it for reference.
Depending on the decisions they made, the institutions will admit the chosen candidates. The candidates will be assigned to teacher preparation programs/institutes through counselling. They must fill out the teacher education institute or institutes of their choosing during the counselling process. College reporting, upward mobility, and fee refunds will be completed after college allocation. The Rajasthan D.El.Ed exam was administered on October 8, 2022, between 2 and 5 p.m. at 33 testing locations. There were 5.99 lakh students that took the exam in total.