Option 1: impose
Option 2: repose
Option 3: juxtapose
Option 4: expose
Que2- The art of making pots,bricks etc..with clay
Option 1: potting
Option 2: ceramics
Option 3: crockery
Option 4: dynamics
Que3- The first model of a new device
Option 1: sculpture
Option 2: prototype
Option 3: icon
Option 4: photograph
Que4- That which last for a short time
Option 1: regular
Option 2: transitory
Option 3: rotatory
Option 4: repository
Que5- A place of shelter for ships
Option 1: harbour
Option 2: helipad
Option 3: port
Option 4: barrack
Que6- Costoms and habits of a particular group
Option 1: traditions
Option 2: mores
Option 3: rite
Option 4: rituals
Que7- An unimportant person
Option 1: nonagenarian
Option 2: nonentity
Option 3: non pareil
Option 4: nonconformist
Que8- Insatiable desire for wealth
Option 1: selfish
Option 2: avarice
Option 3: egoist
Option 4: generosity
Que9- A person who has lost the protection of law
Option 1: outlaw
Option 2: immigrant
Option 3: outcast
Option 4: orphan
Que10- One who destroys images or attacks popular beleifs
Option 1: imagist
Option 2: misanthropist
Option 3: iconoclast
Option 4: masochist
Answer 1- option 3
impose-- force unwelcome decesion on someone
repose--rest in sleep
Answer 2- option 2
Potting-Potting on (or potting up) is the act of moving the plant, with its root ball, to a larger pot.
crockery is the plates, cups, saucers, and dishes that you use at meals
dynamics - marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change.
Answer 3- option 2
sculpture - a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay , metal, etc.
Answer 4- Option 2
repository means a place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored
Answer 5- Option 1
Barrack - connected with a barrack
Answer 6- Option 2
rite- - a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremon
Answer 7- Option 2
nonagenarian --a person who is between 90 and 99 years old
nonpareil-a person or thing that is unsurpassed or unmatched
nonconformist- someone who lives and thinks in a way that is different from other people
Answer 8- Option 2
Egoist- a person who thinks that he or she is better than other people and who thinks and talks too much about himself or herself
Answer 9- Option 1
immigrant-: An immigrant is a person who has come to live in a country from some other country
outcast- An outcast is someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by society .
orphan-a child who has lost both parents through death
Answer 10- Option 3
imagist means A literary movement launched by British and American poets in the early 1900s
misanthropist someone who dislikes people in general
masochist The deriving of pleasure from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.