CUET Sri Venkateswara College Cut Off 2023, Check expected and previous year cut off here

Safalta Expert Published by: Himani Mehra Updated Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:04 PM IST


CUET Sri Venkateswara College Cut Off 2023, Check expected and previous year cut off here


Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being conducted by National Testing Agency for admissions of students to various colleges and universities in different UG and PG courses. Candidates have to mandatorily appear for this test to get admission.
The cut off for CUET will be released soon for different colleges. Candidates should keep checking the official website of NTA and CUET for further details. Here we have provided all the details about CUET Sri Venkateswara College cut off for the benefit of the candidates as this is one of the top most colleges of the country. You can also check CUET Exam Analysis.

CUET Sri Venkateswara College Cut Off

Sri Venkateswara is one of the most presigious college of University of Delhi. The cut off for this college are usually very high. After CUET is conducted colleges and universities will release their respective cut offs. You can check the previous year cut offs of Sri Venkaswara College here for an idea of the cut off of this college.

CUET Sri Venkateswara Previous Year Cut Offs

Sri Venkateswara College First Cut Off 2021

Course 1st cut-off 2021 (Category wise)
B.Com (H) 99.75 99 98 97 97 99 97
B.Com  99.50 98.50 97.50 96.50 96.50 99 96.50
BA (H) Economics 99.75 99 98.50 97.25 97 99 97
BA (H) English 98.25 96.50 93.50 92 91 97.75 92.50
BA (H) Pol. Sc. 99.75 99 97.50 96.50 96 99.25 98
BA (H) History 98.75 98 96.50 96 96 98.25 96
BA (H) Hindi 92 90 87 86 86 91.50 87
BA (H) Sociology 98 97 95 94.25 91 97.25 92.50
BA (H) Sanskrit 75 74 73 71 71 74.50 72
B.Sc (H) Math 98.50 97.75 96 95.50 93.50 98 95.50
B.Sc (H) Physics 99 98 97 96 95 98 96
B.Sc (H) Chemistry 98.33 98 97 96 95 98 95
B.Sc (H) Statistics 99 98.25 97.50 96 98.25 98.50 97.75
B.Sc (H) Bio-Chemistry 98 97 93 92 91 97 94
B.Sc (H) Electronics 98 97 95 93 92 97 92
B.Sc (H) Zoology 97 96 94 92 89 96 95
B.Sc (H) Botany 96.66 95.66 93.66 91.66 88.66 95.66 94
B.Sc (H) Biological Sciences 96.33 95 93 91 91 96 92
B.Sc (Prog.) Life Sciences 95.66 94.66 89 86 87 95 94
BA (Prog.) Hindi + History 96.5 95 94 92 91 96.25 91
BA (Prog.) Hindi + Pol. Sc. 97.50 96 94 92 91 97 92
BA (Prog.) Tamil + Pol. Sc. 95 93 90 89 88 94.50 92
BA (Prog.) Telegu + Pol. Sc. 95 93 90 89 88 94.50 92
BA (Prog.) Sanskrit + Pol. Sc.  96 95 94 92 91 95.50 91
BA (Prog.) Eco + Math 98 96 92 90 90 97.50 93
BA (Prog.) Eco + Pol. Sc. 98.50 97 93 91 91 97.50 93
BA (Prog.) History + Pol. Sc.  98.50 97.50 93 91 90 98 92.50
BA (Prog.) History + Sociology 97.25  95 91 90 88.50 96.75 91.25
BA (Prog.) Pol. Sc. + Sociology 98.50 97.50 93 91 90 97.50 92
BA (Prog.) English + Sociology 97.75 96 93 93 91 97 92

Also check the cut offs for the following colleges:

Sri Venkateswara Second Cut Off 2021

B.A (H) Economics 99 98 96.75 95.50 96 98 95.25
B.A (H) English 98 95.75 Closed Closed  90.50 97 Closed 
B.A (H) Hindi 91.50 89.50 86 85 84.50 91 86
B.A (H) History 98 97 94.50 94 93 75 97 95
B.A (H) Political Science 99.25 98.75 97 96 95.50 98.75 97.50
B.A (H) Sanskrit 74 73 71.50 69 70 73.50 70
B.A (H) Sociology 97.75 96.75 94.50 94 90 97 92
B.Com 99.25 98.25 97 96 96 98.75 96
B.Com (H)  98.75 98 97.50 96 96 98.25 94
B.Sc (H) Statistics  98.25 97.75 95 93.50 95 98 97
B.Sc (H) Biochemistry  97.66 96.33 92.33 91 90 96.33 93
B.Sc(H) Biological Science  96 94.33 92.33 90.33 90 95.33 91
B.Sc (H) Botany  96 95 93 91 88 95 93
B.Sc (H) Chemistry  97.66 97.33 96 94.66 93 97 93
B.Sc (H) Electronics  96 95 92 89 90 95 90
B.Sc (H) Mathematics 98 97.25 95 94 93 97.50 93
B.Sc (H) Physics 98.33 97.33 96.33 95 94 97.66 95
B.Sc (H) Zoology 96.66 95.66 93.66 91.33 88 95.66 94
B.Sc (H) Life Science 95.33 94.33 88.33 85.33 85 94.66 93
B.A (Prog.) English + Sociology Closed  Closed  Closed  92.50 90.25 96.50 90
B.A (Prog.) Hindi + History Closed  94.75 93.75 91.50 90.50 Closed  90
B.A (Prog.) Hindi + Political Science 96.75 95.50 Closed  NA 90 96.50 90
B.A (Prog.) Tamil + Political Science 93 92.50 89 88.25 87 92.50 90
B.A (Prog.) Telugu + Political Science 93 Closed  89 88 87 Closed  90
B.A (Prog.) Sanskrit + Political Science 95.50 94.75 93.75 NA 90 95 90
B.A (Prog.) Economics + Mathematics Closed  Closed  91.50 89.50 89 Closed  92.50
B.A (Prog.) Economics + Political Science Closed  Closed  Closed  Closed  NA Closed  92
B.A (Prog.) History + Political Science Closed Closed  Closed  Closed  Closed  Closed  92
B.A (Prog.) History + Sociology Closed  Closed  Closed  Closed Closed  96 90
B.A (Prog.) Political Science + Sociology 98.25 97.25 Closed  Closed  89 97.25 91


Sri Venkateswara College Third Cut Off 2021

Courses General  OBC SC ST PwD EWS KM
B. Sc. (H) Statistics closed  96.5 93.5 92 93.5 97.25 96.5
B. Sc. (H) Bio- Chemistry 97 95.66 91.66 90 89 96 91
B. Sc. (H) Biological sciences 95.66 93.66 91.33 89.66 89 95 90
B. Sc. (H) Botany 94.66 93.66 91.66 89 84 93.66 91
B. Sc. (H) Chemistry 96 95.33 93 91.66 90 95.66 90
B. Sc. (H) Electronics closed  94 90 87 88 94 88
B. Sc (H) Mathematics  97.5 96.75 94.75 93.5 92 97 92
B. Sc (H) Physics 97.33 96.66 94.66 93.33 92 97 93
B. Sc (H) Zoology 96 95 92.66 90 86 closed 92.66
B. Sc (P) Life Sciences 94.33 93.33 87.33 84 83 93.33 90
B. A. (H) Economics 98.5 97 96 95 95 97 95
B. A. (H) English 97.75 95.25 closed closed 90 96.25 closed
B. A. (H) Hindi 90.75 88.75 85 84 83.5 90 84
B. A. (H) History 97.5 96.5 94.25 closed 93.25 96.25 93.25
B. A. (H) Political Science 98.25 98 95.75 closed 95 97.75 95.5
B. A. (H) Sanskrit 70 69.5 69 68.5 67 69.5 67
B. A. (H) Sociology 97 96 94 93.75 88.5 96.25 91
B. Com 99 97.5 96 95 94 97.5 94
B. Com (H) 98.25 96.5 95 91 87 97 89
B. A.Programme (English + Sociology) closed  closed closed 92.25 closed 96.25 NA
B. A.Programme (Hindi + History) closed  94.5 93.5 91.25 NA 96 NA
B. A.Programme (Hindi + Political science) 96.5 closed closed NA NA closed NA
B. A.Programme (Tamil + Political science) 90.5 90.25 87.75 87 NA 90.75 NA
B. A.Programme (Telugu + Political science) 90.5 closed 87.75 87 NA closed NA
B. A.Programme (Sanskrit + Political science) 95 94.25 93.25 NA NA 94 NA
B. A.Programme (Economics + Mathematics) closed  closed closed 89.25 88.5 89.75 92
B. A.Programme (Economics + Political Science) closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  NA
B. A.Programme (History + Political science) closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  closed 
B. A.Programme (History + Sociology) closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  closed  89.5
B. A.Programme (Political science + Sociology) 98 97 closed  closed  88 97 90.5

When will CUET Sri Venkateswara cut off be released?

CUET Sri Venkateswara cut off will be released soon.

Where will CUET Sri Venkateswara College cut off be released?

CUET Sri Venkateswara cut off will be released on the official website of Sri Venkateswara College.