HSSC Group D syllabus is set by Haryana Subordinate Service Commission (HSSC) which conducts HSSC Group D Recruitment Exam.
Interested candidates should know HSSC Group D Syllabus in detail before beginning their preparation.
Knowing the syllabus will help to plan, organize the preparation and approach the paper in a scientific manner.
Syllabus for Group D services is released with the official notification.
As the notification is yet to come out we have covered the syllabus in this space based on past years' notification.
HSSC Group D Syllabus consists of list of topics from subjects such as General Awareness, Reasoning, Science, Maths, English Language, Hindi, knowledge on Village Panchayat etc, from which questions are asked in the exam. If you are preparing for competitive exams and are looking for expert guidance, then download our app- '
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HSSC Group D Syllabus 2021
The examination is conducted in two parts both the parts are written tests syllabus for them is different.
Paper one consists of General Awareness, Reasoning, Science, Maths, English Language, Hindi, knowledge on Village Panchayat.
While Paper 2 is based on topics related to Haryana.
It revolves around the state's G.K, culture, Geography, Economy, civics, environment, etc.
The detailed syllabus section-wise and divided into sub-topics is enumerated below.
HSSC Group D Syllabus: Paper 1
Section |
Topics |
General Awareness |
- History of India
- Geography of India
- Economy
- Sports
- Tourism
- Important Days and Dates
- Countries and their capitals
- Environment issues
- Indian Constitution
- Current affairs: National and International
- Heritage
- Awards and Prizes
- Questions relate to Olympics may be important
Reasoning |
- Data Sufficiency,
- Order and Ranking,
- Seating Arrangement,
- Syllogism,
- Blood Relations,
- Puzzles,
- Inequalities,
- Input-Output,
- Coding-Decoding
- Alphanumeric Series,
- Distance and Direction,
- Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning
Science |
Science Invention and discoveries
Basic Concepts |
Maths |
- Number System
- Square and Square roots
- Cube & cube roots
- Ratio & Proportion
- HCF and LCM
- Decimals
- Fraction
- Percentage
- Simplification
- Discount
- Interest: Simple and Compound Interest
- Profit and Loss
- Time & work & distance
- Partnership
- Use of Tables and Graphs
- Menstruation
- Miscellaneous
- Surface Area and volumes
- Boats and streams
- Geometry
- Trigonometry etc
Languages Hindi and Elglish |
English :
- Antonyms and Synonyms
- Comprehension Passage
- One word substitution
- Error Detection
- Cloze Test
- Grammar (Tense, Degree, Adjective, Punctuation, Verbs, etc )
- Fill in the Blanks
- Active and Passive Voice
- Vocabulary
- Speech: Direct and Indirect,
- भाषा के अंग
- काल
- संधि
- शब्द व शब्द के भेद
- हिंदी व्याकरण
- लिपि
- हिन्दी भाषा का विकास
- तत्सम, तद्भव
- संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण
- क्रिया, क्रियाविशेषण
- लिंग, कारक, वचन
- अपठित गद्यांश
- लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे
- अलंकार
- विलोम
- पर्यायवाची
- समास, रस,
- वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण,
- वाक्य संशोधन, इत्यादि|
knowledge on Village Panchayat |
Questions related to 73rd and 74 th Constitutional amendments.Haryana Panchayat Act. |
HSSC Group D Syllabus: Paper 2 (Related to Haryana)
- Current Affairs
- History
- Literature
- Civics
- Geography
- Culture
- Environment
- Economy
- Laws, Rules, Regulations
- Significant Personalities
HSSC Group D Exam Pattern
- The total examination is for 90 marks
- The marks are divided between Paper 1 and Paper 2.
- Paper 1 has a weightage of 67.5 Marks or 75%.
- Paper 2 has a weightage of 22.5 Marks or 25%.
- The exam is conducted in offline mode
- Haryana Group D notification doe not contain any information on negative marking.
- The stipulated time for examination will be released with official notification.
The detailed examination pattern is given below.
Papers |
Subjects |
Marks |
Weightage |
Paper I |
General Awareness, Reasoning, Science, Maths, English Language, Hindi, knowledge on Village Panchayat. |
67.5 Marks |
75% weightage |
Paper-II |
Current Affairs, History, Literature, Civics, Geography, Culture, Environment, etc of Haryana |
22.5 marks |
Total |
90 Marks |
To know more read here.
HSSC Group D Syllabus- FAQ
What is the examination pattern for HSSC Group D exam?
The HSSC Group D exam consists of two papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2.
What are the total marks in HSSC Group D exam?
A2 The total marks in the HSSC Group D exam are 90.
What is the syllabus for Paper 1 of HSSC Group D exam?
A3 The syllabus for HSSC Group D Exam, Paper 1 consists of General Awareness, Reasoning, Science, Maths, English Language, Hindi, knowledge on Village Panchayat.
What is the weightage of papers in the HSSC Group D exam?
A4 In HSSC Group D exam Paper 1 has a weightage of 75%, Paper 2 of 25%.
Is there any negative marking in the HSSC Group D exam?
A5 The official notification for the HSSC Group D exam does not have any information with regard to this.