NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023, Check all Details here

Safalta Expert Published by: Noor Fatima Updated Mon, 12 Sep 2022 12:55 PM IST


Here is the information about NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi. You can give a read to this blog and get all the information about the  NCERT Curriculum for Class 7 Hindi. 


The NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023 is issued by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The curriculum explains the details of the chapters and other important information regarding the Class 7 Hindi Syllabus.
 You can get and download the PDF from the official website of NCERT.  However,  we have also provided the link to download the same. The chapters,  poems, and essays included in the curriculum are also explained below. Read this complete blog to know and understand the NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023. 

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Table of Content
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023 
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Vasant 
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Durva
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Bal Mahabharata Katha
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Grammar
NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Reading and Writing Section
NCERT Books for Class 7 Hindi

NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023 

Class 7 Hindi Syllabus is divided into 3 sections, literature (Vasant and Durva), Supplementary reader Bal Mahabharata Katha, and grammar. Additionally, reading and writing skills are also a part of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi. The textbooks have poems, full-fledged chapters, and essays, which are explained below in the blog. Candidates can also get the grammar Syllabus by scrolling down.

NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Vasant 

Vasant is the main course book for Class 7 Hindi. It consists of 20 chapters. We have provided the chapter names below.
पाठ  पाठ का नाम
पाठ 1 हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के
पाठ 2 दादी माँ
पाठ 3 हिमालय की बेटियां
पाठ 4 कठपुतली
पाठ 5 मीठाईवाला
पाठ 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर
पाठ 7 पापा खो गए
पाठ 8 शाम एक किशान
पाठ 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची
पाठ 10 अपूर्व अनुभव
पाठ 11 रहीम की दोहे
पाठ 12 कंचा
पाठ 13 एक तिनका
पाठ 14 खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर
पाठ 15 नीलकंठ
पाठ 16 भोर और बरखा
पाठ 17 वीर कुवर सिंह
पाठ 18 संघर्ष के कराण मैं तुनुकमिजाज हो गया धनराज
पाठ 19 आश्रम का अनुमानित व्यय
पाठ 20 विप्लव गायन

NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Durva

Durva is another important book for Class 7 Hindi. It includes 15 chapters, which are tabulated below.
पाठ  पाठ का नाम
पाठ 1 चिड़िया और चुरुंगुन
पाठ 2 सबसे सुंदर लड़की
पाठ 3 मैं हूँ रोबोट
पाठ 4 गुब्बारे पर चीता
पाठ 5 थोड़ी धरती पाऊँ
पाठ 6 गारो
पाठ 7 पुस्तकें जो अमर हैं
पाठ 8 काबुलीवाला
पाठ 9 विश्वेश्वरैया
पाठ 10 हम धरती के लाल
पाठ 11 पोंगल
पाठ 12 शहीद झलकारीबाई
पाठ 13 नृत्यांगना सुधा चंद्रन
पाठ 14: पानी और धूप
पाठ 15: गीत

NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Bal Mahabharata Katha

Bal Mahabharata Katha is the supplementary reader book for the Class 7 Hindi Syllabus. The paragraphs from the book can be taken for questions for Reading Comprehension.

NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Grammar

The grammar Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi is as follows-
  • भाषा और व्याकरण
  • क्रिया
  • वर्ण विचार
  • काल
  • संधि
  • उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय
  • शब्द विचार
  • वाच्य
  • वर्तनी    
  • संज्ञा    
  • लिंग (संज्ञा के विकार)  
  • वचन    
  • कारक    
  • समास
  • अव्यय
  • मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ 
  • वाक्य
  • सर्वनाम    
  • विशेषण    
  • शब्द-भंडार    
  • वाक्य अशुद्धियाँ एवं संशोधन
  • विराम-चिह्न

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NCERT Syllabus for Class 7
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NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023: Reading and Writing Section

Here is the curriculum for reading and writing skills for Class 7 Hindi 

  • अपठित गद्यांश
  • अपठित पद्यांश
Writing Skills
  • संवाद-लेखन
  • निबंध-लेखन
  • पत्र लेखन
  • अनुच्छेद-लेखन

NCERT Books for Class 7 Hindi

  • NCERT books for Class 7 Hindi are prepared by the subject expert, which makes them reliable and relevant study materials.
  • The explanation of the chapters is very easy and comprehensive, which is easy to understand. 
  • These books are easily available. You can find them online, offline, or in PDF format. 
  • Relevant pictures are also used in the NCERT books to make learning easy and fun. 
  • Questions are given at the end of the chapter to self-access your learning. You can solve them after completing the chapters. 
Following books are prescribed for the NCERT syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 2022-2023 
  • Vasant
  • Durva
  • Mahabharata 
You can refer to the information given in the blog for NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi. 

How many books are there for the NCERT syllabus for Class 7 Hindi?

There are 3 books prescribed for the NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi. These are-
  • Vasant
  • Durva
  • Mahabharata 

Where can I get the PDF for the NCERT Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi?

You can download the NCERT Syllabus for Class Hindi 7 Hindi PDF from the official website of NCERT. 

How many chapters are there in Vasant book?

There are 19 chapters in Vasant book.

How many chapters are there in Durva book?

There are 15 chapters included in the Durva book for Class 7.

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Safalta school online is an initiative of Safalta Pvt Ltd to help students score well in their exams by sitting in their homes. We provide online lectures that are very beneficial for the students. 

What is the fee of Safatla School Online?

The fee is very affordable. It ranges between 6999 to 9999.